Incorporation Services

Rambabu Genteela & Co. will be helped in the process of incorporation of companies. Incorporation of companies refers to the process of legally establishing a new corporation or company, granting it the status of a separate legal entity distinct from its owners. This process involves several steps and typically varies depending on the jurisdiction in which the company is being incorporated.

  • Name Reservation:

    The first step in incorporating a company is often to reserve a name for the new entity. This ensures that the chosen name is not already in use by another business and complies with any naming regulations or guidelines set by the jurisdiction's corporate registry.

  • Articles of Incorporation:

    The next step involves preparing and filing articles of incorporation or similar documents with the relevant government authority. These documents typically outline essential information about the company, such as its name, registered address, purpose, share structure, and initial directors.

  • Share Structure:

    Companies typically issue shares to their owners (shareholders) to represent ownership in the company. The share structure, including the number of shares authorized and their classes (if any), must be defined in the articles of incorporation or similar documents.

  • Appointment of Directors:

    The company's initial directors must be appointed as part of the incorporation process. Directors are responsible for overseeing the company's affairs and making strategic decisions on behalf of the shareholders.

  • Registered Office and Agent:

    Most jurisdictions require companies to have a registered office address within the jurisdiction and appoint a registered agent who can receive legal and official documents on behalf of the company.

  • Payment of Fees:

    Incorporating a company usually involves paying various fees to the government or corporate registry. The amount of these fees can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of company being incorporated.

  • Obtaining Necessary Permits and Licenses:

    Depending on the nature of the business and the jurisdiction in which it operates, the company may need to obtain specific permits or licenses before it can commence operations legally.

  • Drafting Bylaws or Operating Agreements:

    Companies often have internal governing documents, such as bylaws for corporations or an operating agreement for limited liability companies (LLCs). These documents outline the company's internal rules, procedures, and the rights and responsibilities of its members.

  • Tax Registration:

    After incorporation, the company may need to register for taxation purposes with the relevant tax authorities. This includes obtaining a tax identification number or similar identifier.

  • Issuance of Share Certificates:

    Once the company is incorporated and shares are issued, share certificates are typically issued to shareholders as evidence of their ownership in the company.

  • Incorporation of Private Limited.
  • Incorporation of One Person Company (OPC).
  • Incorporation of LLPs.
  • Incorporation of Partnership Firms.
  • Incorporation of Other Firms.